Mind your ego
The ego is the part of our psychic apparatus that has a natural compulsion to seek gratification. It loves to keep the past alive...

Observe and find freedom
Once you know that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond our thoughts, or what we think, you find freedom. Awakening is when you...

Success is about mastery of the mind
Monitor and manage your persistent mental chatter. The incessant chatter is an ancient programming to help you fly or fight in the days...

We usually associate this word with extraordinary people like Jesus, Buddha and yogi masters. But it is within all of us, simply the...

The mind uses you if you don't manage it, so beware and stay in command. Your mind develops your thoughts and this determines how you...

Who or what is God?
The ever-present, eternal One Life that transcends what is subject to birth and death. Some people call it The Source, Being, Universal...

Can you believe man walked on this big moon?
A lesson that we can have ambitious goals and achieve them.

Where are you going today?
No matter what your journey, make your contribution in accordance with the order that makes life possible...'the right way of living'....